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Sam Mulliner

Views : 1779
Update time : 2024-06-19 17:06:53

Sam Mulliner

International Music & Arts Leader and Educator

Sam Mulliner is a teacher and musician, currently based in the China. Born in the UK, Sam worked as a professional musician, touring throughout the world as a keyboard player and singer. For the past 18 years, he has built music and performing arts departments throughout the world and as spent the past 13 years developing world-class music facilities in China and throughout Asia.

“As a teacher, I have a very specific set of criteria when I am looking for any equipment. It needs to be have a very high build-quality - a child in a classroom can destroy anything! - and be built to last. All of these, of course, has to be completed on an educational budget and so price is also a factor.

When I discovered Aweda, I was incredibly impressed by their ability to fulfil all of these attributes - excellent quality and strength at a very affordable price. On top of this, the customer service and variety of products available make them a perfect company to work with.

I now highly recommend Aweda’s products to schools that I work with and look forward to new products they release”


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